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What Should You Know For Taking High-Quality Impressions For Crowns And Bridges?

 No matter how qualified and experienced lab technicians are in a crown and bridge lab, they won’t deliver quality results if the impression given by you is not accurate. Even a small mistake in the impression will prevent you from placing these structures and your patients will not be comfortable. And thus, you will lose them forever. 


In this post, we will discuss a few important points that you should keep in your mind before taking the impressions and sending them to the crown and bridge lab. 


Use the right quality tray- There are full arch, double arch as well as triple arch trays available in the market. You should pick one as per your suitability. But, the major concern should be the information captured by the tray. Make sure the tray takes all the details without distortion. 


The features of a good tray are it should be large enough to cover all the teeth and the quality should be high with extreme rigidity. You can use plastic or metal trays. 


Use the right impression material- Just like a tray, the right selection of the impression material is also important. If the material isn’t compatible, the impression will not be accurate and it will get distorted. 


One important thing to consider when choosing the impression material is its setting time. Yo9u should have enough time to insert the material inside the mouth for an impression. If the material already starts setting, it will not seat properly and not capture the required details. The best is to choose a hydrophilic material. 


Keep your timings right- Timing plays an important role when taking impressions for crowns and bridges. You should follow the material instructions every time and give enough time to the impression to set. It’s because different materials work differently in varying temperatures. 


For accurate timing, you should talk to the manufacturer's representatives. They will help you with the right directions. Or, you should have a physical timer for tracking mixing time and setting time. This will help you maintain consistency in the impressions.


Keep the patient still- How your patient behaves while taking the impression majorly impacts the quality. If the patient is moving too much, the impression will never come out accurately. There will be some sort of distortion in it. We know it’s difficult to keep the patients calm and still but you should try. You should learn the art of distraction. 


The best way to keep your patients distracted is to keep them engaged. Either ask your assistant or any family member of your patient to chat continuously. This will take patients’ minds off from the procedure and movement will become less. Even deep breathing before the process works. 


Don’t take impressions in hurry- Sometimes, the impression doesn’t come out accurately even if everything is properly considered. And this happens when you rush during the process. 


No matter how urgent the case is, you should not rush while taking the impressions. You should mix the materials properly and give them enough time to settle. You should take care of the margins and avoid bubbles. 


An accurate impression is important for a crown and bridge lab to deliver quality results, So, do it right. 


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