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When do I need Partial Frames? What is the process? Do they look natural?

Dentures are artificial replacements that are used when you want to replace one or more natural teeth. When you are missing only a few teeth and the majority of your natural teeth are still present, you need partial frames to support the remaining healthy teeth and carry out your daily activities, such as eating, chewing, and smile with ease.

Partial frames consist of replacement teeth that you can easily take out or put in your mouth. They are custom-made based on the specific patient’s teeth requirements and profile. Many people who have lost their natural teeth due to poor oral health, disease, or accident are choosing partial frames because they look natural and match original teeth.

Do partial frames look natural? What are they made of?

Removable partial frames are made of bases that resemble your gums, and these bases hold the artificial teeth that act as the replacement for your lost teeth.

They may have a metal framework and clasps that help the denture to attach to the natural teeth. Sometimes, metal clasps are designed and attached to the teeth inconspicuously; however, they may be visible when a person talks, based on their position. To make them less noticeable, a patient can choose to have clips made from a tooth-colored material. 

However, patients can choose partial frames with connectors that look natural. To give a more subtle and original appearance, the artificial teeth and gum are colored in shades that match the natural teeth and gum color of a patient.

What happens during the consultation and denture process?

During the consultation, your dentist discusses the final look of the partial frame with you. In general, the denture process typically takes a few weeks and multiple appointments. In the beginning phase, your dentist will create wax forms, models, and plastic patterns that exactly match the position, size, and shape of the partial dentures. To find the perfect fit, you (the patient) need to try models several times.

Then, your dentist will evaluate the shape, color, and fit of your partial frames before they are cast. Once the casting process is done, you and your dentist will be able to see what your personalized dentures look like. This is the perfect timing for you to discuss the appearance of your denture with the dentist. Your dentist will accommodate further changes or requirements so that you feel satisfied with your partial frames.

What about the color and shade of partial frames?

When you make an appointment with a reputable dental clinic, you will find the dentist and his/her team to be highly trained in color and shade matching. If you are getting partial frames for the first time, they can match the color and shade of your partial frames to the remaining natural teeth. However, if you already have partial frames, your dentist may advise you to get a new one because the cost of making new partial frames will be almost the same as recoloring the old ones.


Are you too worried about your lost teeth? Do your existing partial frames not satisfy your requirements and preferences? If yes, schedule an appointment with an experienced dentist who is specialized in partial frames


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