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Why should I Choose eMax Crowns for Dental Restoration?

Why should I Choose eMax Crowns for Dental Restoration? 

eMax services are amongst the popular choices when it comes to dental restorations. Under this service, you opt for getting an eMax crown – a tooth-shaped overlay that is fitted over your tooth to cover and safeguard your damaged/weak tooth. Thanks to advanced dental crown technology, modern dental crowns have become so realistic that no one can tell the difference. 

eMax crowns are composed of durable material – lithium disilicate ceramic that doesn’t add to your health problems and is widely known for its strength and aesthetic qualities. There are various aspects that eMax crowns can help you with. Some of these are:

·         An eMax crown restores the size and shape of your tooth.

·         An eMax crown covers your discolored tooth.

·         An eMax crown restores your beautiful smile.

·         An eMax crown returns your healthy and strong bite.

·         An eMax crown preserves the proper teeth alignment.

 In general, it takes about two visits to prepare your tooth and fit the eMax crown, just like it does for other crowns. The main reason why a lot of people choose eMax services is that they get the top quality dental crown and the best match for their smile.

 When eMax Crowns are Recommended

Most often, eMax crowns are recommended by your dentist or offered as a choice with other options to help with a variety of conditions, such as:

·         Protecting a weak tooth from breakage

·         Keeping a fractured tooth together

·         Covering a tooth that has a little part remaining

·         Creating support for a dental bridge

·         Capping a dental implant

·         Covering the hole after undergoing root canal treatment

Questions to Ask Your Dentist While Consulting for eMax Crowns

When consulting your dentist, you should try getting answers to the following questions to better understand your condition, the reason for getting eMax crown fitted, and exploring if you have other choices.

·         What’s the reason behind recommending eMax services?

·         Are there any other dental restoration options for me?

·         Are there any risks of the eMax procedure?

·         Are there any disadvantages of eMax crowns?

·         What kind of problems can arise with eMax crowns?

 eMax Crown Procedure

Once you agree to undergo this procedure after consultation, your tooth will be numbed and prepared by removing a layer of the natural tooth (with which you have dental issues) to make space for an eMax Crown. This might feel uncomfortable but it is not invasive or painful. Then, the dentist will take a digital impression using a wand to capture the images of your natural teeth.

Thereafter, the digital impression is sent to a certified dental lab for the creation of your eMax Crown and you are provided with a temporary crown to wear until the next visit.

During the second visit, the temporary crown will be removed, and your eMax crown is adjusted. The dentist makes sure that your bite is perfect. Once you and your dentist are satisfied with the results, the crown is permanently cemented in place.

The whole procedure doesn’t take long.

 By now, you can easily gather that eMax services are the perfect way to restore your beautiful smile and get back the confidence you need while speaking, laughing, eating, and of course sharing affectionate moments.


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